Saturday, March 28, 2009

I forgot it was Panic Day!

Oh no, how could I forget Panic Day! Was it yesterday or today? I'm in a panic because I can't remember!

This is getting bad when I'm actively searching for new things to worry, no, panic about (in the spirit of the day).

Yesterday, my accountant just looked at me, shook her head and smiled like she does every March when I stumble in with my surprisingly organized paperwork. She's the one who taught me the basics of Excel so that I could make HER life easier.

And my new cell phone, just about 5 or 6 weeks old, is draining the battery at too fast a pace. I stopped at the place where I purchased it and my two-year contract, the same place we've gone the last decade, and explained that it must not be working properly because it was fine until the last week or so. And the guy has the nerve to tell me I should be GLAD I get two days out of the battery. And I said that's unacceptable because I'm really not on it that much, and it is new and under warranty. He told me where I could get it repaired in town or to bring it back and they'd have to ship it in for repair, which would likely take a month.

Should he have been surprised when I just turned around, without saying thank you, and left? I think he was because I should have been GLAD, no, EXCITED, no, ECSTATIC that I should settle for two days battery life on my phone.

Well, settle for this, bud … ppppppplllllllllllbbbbbbbbb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a happy Panic Day, unless it was yesterday … Oh, heck, I'll take another one since my battery lasts for two d...........

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