Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A day 'o purple

If the Irish can have their day 'o green, then I should be able to have a day 'o purple.

And what would I celebrate on a day devoted to purple? Creativity.

A call to put down the guns and pick up a paintbrush to decorate a canvas with the beautiful images stirring deep within you …

To close the divorce and family courts to engage in the art of storytelling, to learn how to communicate the emotions we're afraid to express and how to really listen …

To send educational leaders, who haven't been inside a real school or actually talked with real children in years, into the classroom to learn how simple and important it is to stir a child's imagination into action that will last a lifetime, far longer than the answers to mundane tests that are forgotten as soon as the bell rings …

Okay, I hereby proclaim that June 9 of every year will be "Create a New World Day." Why June 9? It was the day my creative soul debuted in this world, so why not make it a holiday for everyone to discover or rediscover those creative spirits within each of us?

And don't forget to wear purple!

P.S. Happy St. Patrick's Day to everyone!

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