Saturday, April 25, 2009

Alzheimer's: Quality and enjoyment of life

“I found a note he’d written much later, but he said in very misspelled, grammatically incorrect words that he had been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, and it had affected both his quality and enjoyment of life.”

I’m a writer. I feel great sadness every time I read this quote from a caregiver.

Wait, I’m human. I feel greater pain every time I absorb this.

Imagine those feelings of loss and helplessness trapped inside you, desperately seeking an outlet, a field of expression, that makes sense to you … while the rest of the world seems to grow smaller by the day … a life where a rich abundance of quality and enjoyment slowly vanishes from view and touch.

You may think a loved one is oblivious to the world around them in the veil of Alzheimer’s, but we never know just how much they may crave the voice of someone reading only to them … have a child or grandchild practice their reading skills—or refresh your own—and focus on this prized audience of one.

That’s an experience YOU will never forget.

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