Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Alzheimer's: Don't let generosity bankrupt

“She had greatly impaired judgment in financial matters and responded to every charitable mailing.”

Alzheimer’s and dementia have been the evil culprits that have bankrupted many a parent, grandparent, uncle, aunt or friend. Keeping track of personal finances is a big enough pain without the confusion and forgetfulness that these conditions often bring.

Families have a responsibility to monitor the financial behavior of their members to keep them from ruin. Those with Alzheimer’s or dementia may not realize where their money is going or that they’re spending beyond their means or being overly generous with charitable causes.

Be pro-active by stopping mailings from organizations that send requests for money frequently. End “whatever-of-the-month” clubs that automatically send items unless cancelled. Check the types of magazines your loved one is receiving and cancel unnecessary ones or all if he/she is not reading them anymore.

Tiny battles now can save your loved one from losing the money they need to live a comfortable and safe life in their final years. They deserve that. Wouldn't you?

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