Sunday, May 24, 2009

Alzheimer's: Life is a scavenger hunt

Now, here's an odd date on the calendar … Scavenger Hunt Day. And I got to thinking that this describes the everyday lives of families in which a member has Alzheimer's.

The scavenger hunt goes on for years and started long before there's a diagnosis of Alzheimer's. Unfortunately, those families are not looking for fun and unusual things. They're forever searching for real valuables that individuals with Alzheimer's "misplace" or "hide" for safe keeping … keys, wallets, purses, money, jewelry, important documentation.

And it's so darn frustrating, especially if you're in a hurry. I'll never forget the day when my son was two or three and hid my car keys. I was running late for work and got to the place I was throwing things as I searched frantically. I finally broke down in tears and accepted that I wasn't going anywhere for a while.

To give myself an emotional break before I completely lost "it," I started to collect dirty dishes for the dishwasher. There in a glass were my keys.

Go on a scavenger hunt today for laughter and love, and you might be amazed what you'll find.

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