Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Alzheimer's: Be somebody's hero

A few years ago, there was a show on TV called "Who Wants to be a Superhero?" Contestants created unique and sometimes wacky costumes and the super powers that came with the name they selected.

Alas, they could not actually fly or fun stuff like that, but it was a wonderful exercise in getting past some fears and revealing another side of themselves they may have not shared with the world before. They became heroes to many followers and devoted family and friends.

Well, you need not wear a cape to be a hero to a family battling Alzheimer's, only a pair of gloves to help weed out the garden.

You need not have superhuman strength, only the muscles to carry in some groceries.

You need not have supervision, only the eyes to see what little things you can do inside and outside the house.

You need not have superhearing, only the patience to listen.

You need not have the physique to wear the obligatory superhero tights, only arms that can embrace someone who needs a hug.

Be a superhero to an Alzheimer's family by being there.

Save the day by remembering them.

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